Author Archives: hackthehacker

how to create wireless network in windows 7

Hello friends here i am posting one amazing post is that how to create a wireless network (wifi network) or ad hoc network in windows 7.

And i have also uploaded the snap shot of creating wireless network in windows 7

Now the steps of creating wireless network in windows 7 is as follow..

1> go to your control panel and click on network and sharing center.


After clicking on that option one window will appear as follow.

And on that window select set a new wireless network or connection.


After clicking on that option one window will appear as above. and from that window select wireless ad hoc network

Here you can give a name of your wireless network and password of your wireless network.

Now press next and next then your wireless network will created.

Now how to use that wireless network??

Now tell your friend to connect with your network(which we have created.)

Set your ip address like

And set your friend’s ip address with

and set your sharing system from advance sharing option.

and go to run and just type your friend’s ip address like “\\” and you can transfer files without pendrive or other devices.